Friday, February 26, 2010

Olympics Sales in Etsy Latino Team!

We are celebrating the Olympics Games and we have good sales for you!
Check them out!
02/26/2010 till 02/28/2010

Estamos celebrando los Juegos Olimpicos y tenemos unas ofertas muy buenas para ti!
No te las pierdas!
26/02/2010 hasta el 28/02/2010

Free Shipping for this item!

Free Shipping!

20% Off for this item!

Free Shipping on all the Accessories, the Eco Friendly Recycled Envelopes and the Knitted Jewelry until February 28-2010

Free Shipping USA and Canada

50% Off in this item!

Friday, February 19, 2010

Amethyst / Amatista

Amethyst is the violet variety of quartz. However, since it is capable of being greatly altered and even discharged by heat, the color was believed by some authorities to be from an organic source

The Greek word "amethystos" may be translated as "not drunken"

Amethyst is the purple variety of quartz and the most valued member of the quartz family. It must be purple to be amethyst, but it can display a range of shades including deep purple, light lilac, lavender and mauve. Top quality amethyst is a deep medium purple with rose-colored flashes. Its purple color made it a stone of royalty for many thousands of years.

Amethysts are recommended to those who deal with stress a lot, such as people with an excessive work ethic who are unable to enjoy relaxation. This quality is also believed useful when treating insomnia too. Amethysts also help those who are prone to depression and an overall melancholy feeling. Many also believe that amethysts are useful for those working to transcend chemical dependence. The stones may work as talismans to provide inner strength when battling dependency. Amethyst is believed to target the pituitary gland, which directs the endocrine system, the pineal gland, where altered states of consciousness and psychic skills are thought to be triggered, and the entire cerebral cortex in the brain. It is therefore felt to be a tonic for headaches, mental illness, anxiety, concussions, and depression.

Amethyst is cleansing, both physically and psychologically. It promotes internal balance and harmony and brings stability to the individual. Amethysts are capable of raising ones spirits, promoting self assurance and confidence. They brighten the outlook on life and enhance the sense of humor. The virtues of amethyst include beauty, calm, fulfillment, humility, a loving demeanor, perfection, piety, sincerity, spiritual balance, tranquility and wisdom. Amethyst is often worn during contemplation or placed on simple meditation altars. It is worn during psychic acts and since it is a stone of wisdom, it allows the information received through the psychic mind to be appropriately utilized. The stone also helps sharpen the conscious mind and enhances the mental powers. It is used to improve memory and keeps thoughts in line with life goals.

Loop Cowl by memegalarce
Bracelet by prendasbyenid
Pouch by aylla

La amatista es una variedad macrocristalina del cuarzo. Su color violeta característico puede ser más o menos intenso, según la cantidad de hierro que contenga. Puede presentarse coloreada por zonas con cuarzo transparente o amarillo. Las puntas suelen ser más oscuras o degradarse hasta el cuarzo incoloro.

A pesar de que es muy resistente a los acidos la amatista es muy susceptible al calor. De hecho, al calentarla a más de 300ºC cambia su color a café pardo, amarillo, anaranjado o verde, según su calidad y lugar de origen

El nombre ‘amatista’ proviene del griego amethystos (no borracho), ya que esta piedra es considerada un potente antídoto contra la embriaguez.
La amatista purifica y limpia el cuerpo y la mente. Favorece la comprensión y la persuasión.

Tiene vibraciones sedantes, equilibra el cuerpo cuando hay alteraciones de sueño, potencia las glándulas endocrinas y el sistema nervioso.
Esta indicado para el tratamiento de la artritis

Aporta paz y equilibrio, estimula la inteligencia.
Simboliza el equilibrio y la pureza, la serenidad y la modestia.
Esta indicada para el tratamiento del asma y de los trastornos cardiacos.
Tiene también una faceta de calmante y tonificante de modo que en casos de estrés, nervios, angustias, miedos, puede ayudarnos a superarlos y recuperar nuestras energías.

Freeform Crochet by nataliadieguez
Necklace by yanessab
Nuno Felted Scarf by lololyta

Puede ayudarnos a transmutar nuestros pensamientos negativos en positivos. Esto significa que también nos aporta un pensamiento más real y conciso, ayudándonos a salir de una situación de confusión. Libera bloqueos mentales, además de abrir nuestra mente a otras perspectivas e ideas.

Es una piedra absolutamente imprescindible para un sanador o persona que trabaje en la sanación de si mismo y de los demás porque permite limpiar el aura y crear un campo energético alrededor de la persona que lo utiliza muy positivo y elevado. Abre y fortalece el primer chakra (cabeza) y del sexto chakra (basal y del bazo) de modo que es fabulosa para activar la energía de estos importantes centros de poder.
Se puede decir que para el trabajo espiritual la amatista es absolutamente imprescindible. Y es que resulta ser la piedra del tercer ojo por excelencia, de modo que trabajar con ella nos permite abrirlo y limpiarlo y dejar aflorar así todo lo que llevamos dentro.

En el campo espiritual nos puede guiar hacia nuestro verdadero Yo. Nos permite así un mayor conocimiento de nosotros mismos y de nuestra misión en la vida ayudándonos a discernir entre lo verdaderamente importante y lo no tan importante para nosotros.Da explicaciones puntuales sobre el estado de ánimo, al tiempo que indica cambios en la vivienda, en el trabajo, de auto, de situación personal.

La amatista es uno de los cristales más importantes del planeta. Es un cristal fundamental que todo el mundo debería tener siempre a mano.
Afinidad con los signos de Aries, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Capricornio, Acuario, Piscis y Libra.

Purse by Lolos
Nuno Felted Shrug by lorenaferreira
Tissue box Ballerina by Yayahandicraft

Monday, February 15, 2010

The winner of our San Valentine's Giveaway!

And the lucky winner is...

Number 11

Here are the participants, the entries and the numbers that they got:

Lisa@ The Little Green Button (one entry) 1
Nora ( two entries ) 2-3
MissButler ( five entries ) 4-5-6-7-8
AnaDiazArte ( five entries ) 9-10-11-12-13
Mommy Tyme ( five entries ) 14-15-16-17-18
Edana ( three entries ) 19-20-21
Surge (four entries ) 22-23-24-25
serenade ( one entry ) 26
Julie ( three entries ) 27-28-29
April and Ashley ( two entries ) 30-31

So our lucky winner is number 11-----> AnaDiazArte

Congratulatios and enjoy your Valentine's Giveaway!

Thank you so much for the participation.

Etsy Latino Team!

Friday, February 12, 2010

Vota/ Vote!

Another of our lovely members team, Lolos has been selected by Etsy's admin to participate in a promotion called "Which Fashion Rules the Runway?". The item that was selected to participate in the voting is:"Pleats in Blues zippered clutch"

Otra de nuestras queridas miembros del team, Lolos a sido elegida por los admin de Etsy para participar en una promoción llamada " Which Fashion Rules the Runway?". El producto que fue seleccionado para participar en esta votación es : "Pleats in Blues zippered clutch"


Here is the link to visit the promotion and support our member. Vote

Aqui te dejamos el link para que visites la promoción y apoyes a nuestra miembro. Vota

Thank you so much for your support!

Etsy Latino Team!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Happy Birthday!/ Feliz Cumpleaños!

We are celebrating Nataliadieguez's birthday!

Happy Birthday Nataliadieguez!
Feliz Cumpleaños!

We invite you to visit her lovely store. She has beautiful free form crochet items.
Te invitamos a visitar su tienda online. Tiene unos hermosos trabajos hechos a mano ( crochet ).

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

San Valentine's Giveaway!

We are celebrating our first San Valentine's Day in Esty Latino Team!. We are a new and active group composed of talented latinoamerican artists spread around the planet. Through the work of our hands we wish to show our culture to the entire world.

Estamos celebrando por primera vez en el team el Día de San Valentin! Somos un grupo nuevo y activo formado por talentosos artistas latinoamericanos esparcidos por todo el planeta. A traves de nuestras manos queremos mostrar nuestra cultura al mundo entero.

So let's celebrate together this special day. We invite you to participate in this fantastic Giveaway!

Celebremos juntos este dia tan especial. Te invitamos a participar en este fastástico Giveaway!

Etsy Latino Team Leaders!


San Valentine's Day Giveaway!

Our San Valentine's Day Giveaway will start today, Tuesday Feb 09th till Monday Feb 15th.

San Valentine's Day Giveaway consist in 7 wonderful presents handmade by our members.

Anyone, except team members can participate. In order to win this Giveaway you have to follow the rules, please.


-Visit some member stores ( choose from some of the 7 members) and tell us what you like from their shop and copy the URL of the item's page :-)

-Follow our team blog.

-Become Fan of our Facebook Fan Page.

-Make a blog post about this San Valentine's day giveaway.

-Tweet about our giveaway and follow us on twitter. Come back and post it here.

-Make a treasury featuring our 7 members that are participating in this giveaway. Don't forget to post the link to visit the treasury. ( For the reserve you can add another team member to complete the list ).

-Bring a friend to our blog and have her/him leave us a note saying who referred her/him. Let us know here.

-Please leave an email or where to contact you, in case you’re the lucky winner.

Note: Limit 5 entries per person.

The raffle will be held on Sunday 14th of Feb until 10:00 pm East and the result will be published Monday 15th at 2:00pm East.

Now let us show you these gorgeous 7 presents just for one lucky winner!

Bracelet by prendasbyenid
Little pouch by aylla

Necklace by yanessab
Ornament and magnet hearts by Yayahandicraft
Bag by Lolos

Felted necklace by memegalarce
Skull pincushion by Chapulin

Good Luck everyone!

Thursday, February 4, 2010


Another team member has been featured in the Storque Etsy blog in the Related Items section. Memegalarce is the fortunate this time. They selected her beautiful Amethyst Loop Cowl! Congrats Meme!

Otra de nuestras miembros ha sido seleccionada para estar en el nuevo artículo del Storque en Etsy, en la sección llamada "related items". Memegalarce ha sido la afortunada esta vez. El producto que ha sido seleccionado es esta hermosa "Amethyst Loop Cowl". Muchas felicidades Meme!

Here is the link to read the whole article. Storque
Aqui te dejamos el link para que leas el artículo. Storque

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