Etsy Latino team is an active and new group composed of talented Latin-American artists spread around the world. Through the work of our hands we wish to show our culture to the entire world. We are conscious of the global warning problem and we are doing our best in different ways to protect our beautiful and adorable Pachamama ( Mother Earth in the Quechua language of the Andes ).
One day in our private conversation this question came up between us: What do you do with your leftover materials?
- mylittleaura,
- First of all I classify them: The big pieces (the ones are more than 4” x4”) I use for my patchwork The small ones: Those which jump out of the machine, I use them to fill up pillows. I love pillows!! And my house is full of them!
Para empezar tendría que catalogar mis retazos:
Los de tamaño o mayor a 4” x4” son los “productivos” y los utilizo para hacer mis trabajo de “patchwork”
Los pequeñitos pequeñitos (como por ejemplo los que bota la máquina) los uso para rellenar cojines… A mi me fascina tener cojines!! Tanto que mi habitación y sala están llenos de estos.
Another idea is: Aura ( my daughter ) has a lot of great ideas of how to use remains: She wants to be a Fashion Designer, (in fact she likes to watch Project Runway with me ) so she uses my scratches for her costumes oops! I mean New Outfits for herself. Also she likes to design new clothes for her dollies. Other activities that we like to do with scraps are making collages, cards for friends or anything that can kill our wintertime.
Otro punto a aportar es que Aura tambien usa los retazos para sus creaciones. Ella como una de las cosas que quiere ser cuando grande es ser diseñadora de moda, asi que se pasa horas haciendose disfraces y ropita a sus muñecas; tambien los usamos para hacer collages, targetitas para los amigos o cualquier otra ocurrencia que tengamos para matar el tiempo...
I really do not I have a lot of waste, precisely because that is my mission to try to do my art with scraps, I try to incorporate found objects, objects that are to be discarded as I.V. medical caps from a Hospital and manage to do something with it like decoratives mirrors . Watch parts, computer parts, paper junk mail, etc.
Yo la verdad no tengo muchos desperdicios, porque precisamente esa es mi mision tratar de hacer mi arte con desperdicios, yo trato de incorporar objetos encontrados, objetos que van a ser desechados como las tapas de los sueros medicinales en hopitales con eso logre hacer algunos espejos decorativos. Piezas de relojes, partes de computadoras, papel del junk mail, etc.
So before throwing away your leftover materials think about what can you do with them first.Lolos,
Before I throw away my leftovers in the recycling bin I prefer to make something unique. I created a recycled "Pachamama" art doll from all my leftover material that I found inside my trash-can. It was a challenge to create something from scraps but also a good inspiration to blow away my imagination. You will amaze yourself with the result. My art doll " Pachamama " was selected to be published by a well-known crafts magazine, together with a few other artists to represent our Mother Earth.
Antes de botar mis sobras prefiero crear algo original. Hice una escultura de una muñeca recyclable que se llama " Pachamama " con las sobritas que encontre en mi basurero. Esta muñeca fue seleccionada entre otros artistas para ser publicada en una revista de arte muy importante para representar nuestra Madre Tierra.
Before I throw away my leftovers in the recycling bin I prefer to make something unique. I created a recycled "Pachamama" art doll from all my leftover material that I found inside my trash-can. It was a challenge to create something from scraps but also a good inspiration to blow away my imagination. You will amaze yourself with the result. My art doll " Pachamama " was selected to be published by a well-known crafts magazine, together with a few other artists to represent our Mother Earth.
Antes de botar mis sobras prefiero crear algo original. Hice una escultura de una muñeca recyclable que se llama " Pachamama " con las sobritas que encontre en mi basurero. Esta muñeca fue seleccionada entre otros artistas para ser publicada en una revista de arte muy importante para representar nuestra Madre Tierra.
Reusing your leftovers has unlimited frontiers . I'm making more little things for myself, family and for selling as well. This is my small contribution to protect our lovely Pachamama for the next generation.
Las cosas que se pueden crear con nuestras sobras nos pueden asombrar. Constantemente estoy reusando mis materiales de desperdicio en hacer pequeñas cosas para mi, mi casa , mi familia y por supuesto para vender tambien.
Las cosas que se pueden crear con nuestras sobras nos pueden asombrar. Constantemente estoy reusando mis materiales de desperdicio en hacer pequeñas cosas para mi, mi casa , mi familia y por supuesto para vender tambien.
Etsy Latino Team!
Wonderful post!! Thank you so much girls for your answers.
Happy Earth Day to all!
Etsy Latino team!
This post is so great!!!!!
I do keep my "trash" too. I love making new things with it or try to do some "destash" listing at my shop so another person can think of something useful to do with it.
Happy Earth Day !!!
Loved this post Chicas! I started making a keychains with my scraps of leather and it resulted to be the best seller in my shop :)
Very inspiring!, great post.
Earth day should be every day. Thank you team for the article.
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