Sunday, July 4, 2010

Fourth of July / Cuatro de Julio!

Picture by giabowtique

Celebrates the Independence of the United States from the Kingdom of Great Britain, 4th of July, 1776. It is a national holiday in the United States.

Los Estados Unidos celebran su Independencia de la Gran Bretaña que ocurrió un 4 de julio en 1776. Este es un dia feriado nacional en los Estados Unidos.
This day the American families celebrate their Independence having a lot of fun and gaining weight!. They love to have amazing fireworks, parades, delicious barbecues, picnics, good baseball games, concerts, political speeches in every single point of this huge country. So let's celebrate together the " Fourth of July "

En este dia las familias americanas celebran la Independencia divirtiéndose a todo dar y engordando! Les encantan los fuegos artificiales espectaculares, los desfiles, barbacoas deliciosas, picnics, buenos juegos de beisbol, conciertos, discursos políticos en cada punto de este enorme país. Celebremos juntos este "Cuatro de Julio"!


Etsy Latino said...

Happy 4th of July!! Enjoy the day!

Don't forget to look at the fireworks tonight! They will be awesome!

Etsy Latino team!

Natalia Dieguez said...

Feliz 4 de julio!!!
Muy lindos los artículos, felicitaciones!

Besos, Natalia.

LeidysIntuition said...

Beautiful!!! thank you
happy 4th july

Enid said...

Great!!! Happy 4th of July!!!

Lolo Sinclair said...

I hope you had a good time my friends! Happy 4 de Julio!!

Lolo :-))

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