Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Junk to treasury/ De basura a tesoro!

A couple of month ago i picked up an old chair, it was in the front yard of someone's house, ready to be taken by the trash people... but where they saw trash, i saw endless possibilities, so I brought it home.

Hace algunos meses atras para ser exactos a finales de Enero recogí una silla vieja que estaba en la acera, lista para que se la llevara el recolector de basura...pero le vi "posibilidades" asi que la traje a casa.

My son was shocked, because I found it in front of the school. Afterwards, he and my Hubby ganged up on me and started asking me what i'd do with that "Junk" at home, so this is what i did.

Mi hijo estaba impactado, pues la encontré cerca de su escuela. Despues, el junto con mi marido (Hubby) comenzaron a preguntarme que haria con esa basura ("Junk") en la casa y esto fue lo que hice.

I removed the cushion, sanded it down and applied "primer".

Le quite el asiento, la puli un poco y le aplique "primer".

I painted it a brilliant "Barn" red.

La pinte de un rojo "Barn" muy brillante.

I made this sign to place on the chair since i had already decided to put my "new" chair in the entrance.

Hice este letrero para colocarlo en el respaldo pues ya habia decidido poner mi "nueva" silla en la entrada de la casa.

I bought a hanging pot, i took the chains off leaving only links to hold it in place.

Compré una maceta colgante, le quite las cadenas dejando solo algunos eslabones para sostenerla.

If you're going to do this project, I recommend you to twist the nails used to hold the pot so it doesn't slide easily.

Si quieres hacer este proyecto te recomiendo que dobles los clavos que sostienen la canasta para que no se resbale facilmente y se caiga.

Following the instructions, I placed some dirt, and planted Petunia, pink and white,. I place the sign like so.

Siguiendo las instrucciones, coloque la tierra, deshice los grumos y plante unas "Petunias" rosadas y blancas y le puse el letrero en el respaldo.

This chair has been transformed into a pleasant treat for the eyes for any visitors WELCOME!

Y esta es la silla que se a tranformado en una gradable vista para recibir a las visitas.


Now you know what to do with that old chair of yours that you don't want to get rid of but also don't know what to do with it.

Ahora ya sabes que hacer con esa silla vieja de la que no te quieres deshacer pero tampoco sabes que hacer con ella.


Etsy Latino said...

Gorgeous tutorial. I will try for sure to do this. What a clever idea!! Thank you so much artbyruth for sharing with us this wonderful tutorial. I love it!

Etsy Latino team!

LiLi said...

Love it! Such a gorgeous detail...I'm going to be hunting for an old chair now!

RuthSMac. said...

Thanks!!! everybody... I'm really glad of this:D
Let me tell you that my neighbors love the way it the chair looks, soo bright and cheerful! and I personally ♥ the way the flowers have bloomed making it look way better.

Natalia Dieguez said...

Maravillosa idea Ruth, quedo hermosa!!!

Gabriela said...

What creative and beauty idea!
Congratulations and thank you very much :D

UNA shop said...

thanks for sharing! Gr8 idea!

Lolo Sinclair said...

I love it!! What a great idea! Thank you so much for sharing! Tengo que tratar de hacer esto. Esta muy bueno!

Lolo :-))

mrs. b said...

Que buen tutorial!!! gracias por compartir!!

Enid said...

This is a super great tutorial!!! Exelente mmanera de reciclar.


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